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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hooray! New Guest Bathroom

This is a before and after of my guest bathroom. It was a khaki wonderland before I took this on. Tile, walls and floors. B.L.A.H. See if you like the new ocean-inspired result.

Before & After


Notice the marbled wallpaper, the sliding brass trimmed doors, the porcelain mounted towel rods, the vertical blinds!

This is after painting the trim. (Every piece of woodwork in the house was the color of those extremely glossy doors you see. Lots and lots of paint!)

This is after removing the icky wallpaper and patching the drywall dents. Also, I removed the porcelain toilet paper holder from the wall. I cut a new square of drywall to fill in the hole that was left, then mudded it in, covered with a patch and spackled over it. Whew! So much better now though!

This is after removing the giant, wall-encompassing mirror and brass light cover.

More khaki-ness. Also see the drywall fixing where there was a porcelain soap dish and tooth-brush holder stuck into the wall. (And in such a weird place, too.)

I'd just like to say that I will never stick porcelain fixtures into a wall. They leave HUGE holes when you take them out and take a lot of work to fill in. You can't just decide to change out your fixtures or move them around if you don't like where they are either. Just a note to consider...

Here is what it's looking like now. Of course, I don't think any room will ever feel complete. There will always be one more thing here or there I want to change/add. But for now, I'm pleased to show you the transformation.

I wanted something to go with the original 60s khaki tile. Since I live here in FL, a lovely oceany blue seemed to work well with the new white trim. A very serene, beachy look. We matched the guest bedroom in these tones as well. 

Instead of one towel bar, I added a five-hook rack. This way when people come to stay, or just to swim, there's a place for everyone to hang their towels. It fits well under the window and takes up less space, too. Also, see the new blinds! Way better than those terrible vertical ones!

You'll see I removed the sliding doors (all by myself, rarrwr!) and added a toile curtain.

Some sand-colored bath items and a pile of starfish (which I'm going to hang, promise) sit in a metallic banana-leaf tray. Sea grass stuffed in sand, fills the corner space.

This table was my grandmother's. I found some faux coral and a little shell soy dish to hold these delicate miniature pewter seashells.

I took off the brass cover to the light fixture and spray painted it white. Easy, simple update. Of course I'd like a new fixture, but this is so much better for now! Next, I added a new mirror that had some nice organic lines, which I spray painted white.

I also nabbed some seashells and such to make a sort of a bell-jar type scene. It lets you admire them, without worrying they'll get wet/damp and fall apart.

 I found this great, old aluminum tray for $5 at a flea market!

 These are some shadow-box frames I found at the dollar store. They were white, but had a different background and a plastic butterfly glued to them. I recovered the back with some oceany scrap-book paper, then layered over that with an acetate paper I found at Jo Ann's that had sea-inspired sayings on them. They were the perfect size, and had a space to attach a shell. They say, "waves", "sand" and "sun". Perfect right?

Apothecary jar with sea glass at the bottom and lovely almond soaps.
So there you have it. This is my much-better guest bathroom. Let me know what you think!

I'm linking to these parties:




Nita Stacy said... 1

Love this bathroom. Love the colors. Quite a transformation.

Melanie {The Tiny Tudor} said... 2

It looks really pretty! I love all the accents like the blue green seasshell dish.

Kath said... 3

I love what you did! especially the color scheme. I'm a new follower of yours (and a new blogger)

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