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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Witch Way?

So I wanted my porch to look a little spooky, without it getting too out of hand. So I decided I'd make it look like a hotel for witches to a certain degree. I had a lot of fun and thought I'd share with you how it turned out.

The Front Porch
I found the giant stick when I was out taking a walk with my husband. I just knew it would look perfect poised over the doorway. I added a lot of black birds to its branches, and draped some Spanish moss from them. I found a little sign at Dollar Tree that says "Witches Way deadly desserts" that I hung on the right side of the door. My "inn" had to have a restaurant I thought, besides just serving spells and potions.

I knew my "inn" needed a bigger sign than this small one, but I wanted to use it since it was the starting point for it all. So, I crossed two brooms together to make more of a statement.
*I felt so proud of my myself when I went to Harry Potter at Universal this weekend, because they did something similar!

Witchy Plantings
I went to my local nursery and found some dark plants that I thought would look perfect in a witch's garden. I looked for the darkest purples and reds I could find, along with some silvery ones for effect. Then I crafted these signs and used cheap forks from the dollar store as plant stakes. I thought the forks worked well since this is supposed to be for poisonous concoctions and all! (Plus, the cauldron is just a foot away!)

See more, and the finished product after the jump!

Notice the iron snail below? It holds a tea light at night so it glows! There's also a thrift-store aluminum pitcher holding some black roses and twigs. (And this is my 40lb pumpkin!)

Won't you come in and sit a spell?
The cauldron in the background looked empty, well, empty, so I filled it with Saran wrap and bubble wrap. It turned out way better than I thought it would and actually looks like it's a bubbling brew! 

I'm linking to these fabulous parties who are so generous to have them:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


Hootin Anni said... 1

Super FANGtastic!!!! Anything having to do with Halloween fills my heart all a flutter!!

My Halloween Mantel photos are now published if you'd dare to drop over when time allows.

Sawdust Girl said... 2

Oh my goodness, that tree branch arching over your front door is so cool!
Thanks for linking up.


Kathy said... 3

I absolutely love this !! wow it looks so wonderful

Anonymous said... 4

What a fun and unique idea! I LOVE the huge branch with all of the crows sitting on it. Thank you so much for linking up!

- Megan

Anonymous said... 5

I just featured your project! :)

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