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Thursday, October 14, 2010

♥ My Room ♥

I'm pleased to say I've finally finished off the majority of my room. A room. Just for me. I'm not a designer with tons of money, but I'm really pleased with how it turned out. (I have realized in this process, however, that I really need a better camera. Everything looks pretty cute, but when I take a picture--not so much. So please put on your cuteness glasses and try to see past the bad photography. xoxo)


The terrible shots from when we first moved in:
The vertical blinds!!! Ahhh!
We painted all the woodwork work white, including some shuttered doors you see later.
I turned the closet you see in the back ground into a scrap-booking station, but that's another post in itself, so hang tight and I'll get it photographed soon. It's pretty rad.


I painted the walls "milk-glass pink" by Martha Stewart at Home Depot. I wanted a pink room, but one that was really light to when the light came in the windows it would give a faint glow. A bit dawn-like. 

Here is my "stuff" station. Notes, tools, pens, letter opener... Also, there's a hanger for for things that need to be organized.

I found the chalkboard as a metal memo board, but painted it with chalkboard paint so it could double as a place for notes too. Then, took a $1 black frame and added some cork to make a little pin board.
The tray serves as a place to coral the necessary utensils and keep things from looking cluttered. Since I'm a writer, I picked one that has letters on it, which look like they've been stamped on. A somewhat hidden element that makes me happy.

I made the burlap skirt using a tension rod, and then hand sewing little plastic crystals to the end for a rustic-chic look. (You can find them in the wedding section at Michael's. They come in boxes to scatter about, but they already have holes in them for sewing. Great, right?)

 See more after the jump!

Sewing Desk
This is my updated sewing desk. It was a cheapo "wood" laminate that was left here by the previous owners. I painted it white, added a black taffeta skirt with a spring-loaded rod and then covered some shoe boxes with coordinated colors to keep everything neat.

This is my new desk. It used to be a vanity in another life, so it has a wonderful feminine look to it. Bought it off Craigslist and couldn't be happier!

*I should warn you; I collect pink flamingos and Hello Kitty. I started the flamingos before we moved to FL, but now it's just gotten out of hand!

The chair is a $10 folding chair from Target with a Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic pillow from there, too. I really wanted to keep shabby-chic look, but mix it with modern pieces to keep it from being to saccharine-y sweet. It also serves to make my printer and computer look like they belong. ;)
(The big shutters on the left house the indoor half of my heating and air unit. At least the doors are cute...)

I found the three mini-shutters at a giant flea bonanza in Atlanta. I grabbed the old doorknob frame there too. Just four brackets later, you have this great backdrop that's perfect for stowing "to do" notes and other goodies!

Since it once was a vanity, it has a huge, shallow drawer that keeps everything right where I need it. I lined it with clear Contact paper to keep everything clean since the desk was so old.

This is my tall bookcase. My husband added some molding to the top of it for me when I was gone one day, so it looks way better than the basic one you pick up at BigLots, now! I added a skirt to hide some of the necessary, but not pretty, things at the bottom.

Now I realize, after seeing so many aah-frickin'-mazing craft rooms out there, that mine is not a designer showcase. But for little ol' me, I'm just darn satisfied. I really hope you like it and any suggestions are super welcome. I'd love to see your craft room. And heck, I might just do a linky-party all about it! ♥

I'm linking to these parties:


The Shabby Chic Cottage

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


Unknown said... 1

So pretty in soft pink! I want to come over and play! What a great work space!

Melanie {The Tiny Tudor} said... 2

Hello! Looks like a great room for creative projects. I like the color you picked for the walls and the desk is cute! I love Hello Kitty too. When I was in junior high school I started my obsession with Hello Kitty- allll my school supplies had to have that cat on them. lol.

Between Blue and Yellow said... 3

How lovely, it's great to have a place you love to work in.

Unknown said... 4

I think your craft room is adorable and a heck more organized than mine at the moment. {Love} how you added the crystals to the burlap skirt...thanks so much for stopping by and sharing the link. Looking forward to all the crafts you crank out in that space.


Unknown said... 5

I would also like to mention that I love the combination of the burlap with crystals you added on the runner! It really goes together nicely!

Anonymous said... 6

Aaaaugh! Laser dog! I miss your house now that I look at this. Love!

Prior said... 7

gosh, I love the room now! and the shutters are just what the desk needed! Lezlee

Funky Junk Interiors said... 8

What adorable shutters! I agree with Lezlee... they are perfect for that desk. Sweet room!


Susan said... 9

I love the idea for a desk you've got me thinking!!!

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