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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bereavement Absence...

I'd like to take a moment to apologize for being away. As I said, I was going away for a week to visit family over Christmas, so I would take a five or so day leave from my blog. During that time, however, my grandmother-in-law had a heart attack and I stayed there to help out. Unfortunately, today, she passed away. I, obviously, will be attending to those matters so I am not going to be blogging.

I wish I'd been able to share all the lovely Christmas things with you all, I had been so excited. I'm sure since you all are so sweet, you'll understand me being gone and accept me when I come back. I wish I'd posted everything before I left originally, but perhaps I'll share all my Christmas things after Christmas, just so I get to enjoy part of the holiday with you all.

Sorry for being gone. I'll see you soon. Prayers are always appreciated.


Nita Stacy said... 1 was hoping things were going ok. I'm so sorry to hear. I'll be thinking of you. Yes, the blogs will wait till you are back.

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